Get you High School equivalency diploma today!
CAEC (Canadian Adult Education Credential) In class Program
The Canadian Adult Education Credential is a testing program designed to award a high school equivalency, replacing the Canadian GED tests. CAEC will become available in late summer 2024.
The CAEC is geared at those wishing a high school equivalency. It can also be used to validate an existing high school diploma, or to validate skills for employment or post-secondary
- Must be 18+ years of age (those who are 17 years of age may be considered in special circumstances).
- Must be a New Brunswick resident.
The Canadian Adult Education Credential is a series of 5 tests (Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and Science) that replaces the GED as a high school equivalency. The tests are available in
both official languages. Those who successfully complete the tests will be awarded with a New Brunswick High School Equivalency Diploma.
The tests may be taken on computer in various centers around New Brunswick. To find out the test schedule and locations, contact your local WorkingNB at the end of June 2024.
To register for the tests when they become available, or to take practice tests, which are available now, visit This website
also lists the curricular outcomes for the tests, as well as other pertinent information.
To inquire about our Community Adult Learning Program, which aids individuals in test preparation, please see visit this page.
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
The 2002-series of Canadian GED tests can be used towards CAEC, so that you can avoid having to write a test that you have already completed under the GED. Certain high school courses can also be
used to be exempted from subject tests. Please read the PLAR Guidelines link below for more information.
The application form will be available in the summer of 2024.
Accommodations, Universal Supports, and Special Arrangements can be used to assist test-takers with their success on the tests.
More information on these supports will be available when the tests become operational.
This program is free to adults over the age of 18.
Classrooms are located and proudly serving the communities of Perth-Andover, Neqotkuk First Nation formerly known as Tobique First Nation, Bath, Woodstock and Woodstock First Nation.
Canadian Adult Eduction (CAEC) Distance Learning Program - CAEC Online
CAEC Online is a self-paced, 150 hours/ 4 month course that prepares the learner to write the GED exams. The learner can start at any time throughout the year. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are specific writing dates for the CAEC test. It is not possible to write the CAEC Test online. It must be done in person in one of the testing centers in the province and the learner must give 2 weeks notice prior to the date they wish to write the test.
The learner must have a minimum of grade 9 and have completed their education in New Brunswick. The learner must be 18 years of age to write the exam. However, in some cases, depending on the age and the experience of the person, exceptions may be made. These are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The learner is provided with a mentor who resides in their area to guide them through the course. The mentor usually contacts the learner within a week of receiving an email with the completed application form. The learner can choose to take the course in English or in French. It can be done from home if they have a computer with access to the internet. A username and password will be provided by the mentor. The mentor will also give the learner their email address and telephone number should the learner need them at any point during the program. The mentor will also give the learner an information package that includes information on testing dates, who to contact when the learner is ready to write, pamphlets about the CAEC Distance learning online program, and frequently asked questions.
In order to register for the online course, please contact Calvin Brymer, at 1-506-324-3929 to complete a pre-CAEC screening.
Format of the CAEC Online Program
• Everything is done online (1 month per subject) by the learner, the learner requires their own laptop and access to the internet.
• There are 5 CAEC subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Reading and Language Writing
• 5 pre-tests (one for each of the CAEC subjects) are completed
• Depending on the results obtained on the pre-tests, a number of lessons are assigned for each subject. The pre-test determines what the learner needs to learn and avoids having to review
concepts that are already understood.
• 5 post-tests (one for each of the CAEC subjects) are completed to determine if the learner is ready to write the CAEC test.
• If needed, lessons can be reassigned and redone to review
Digital Literacy/Computer Skills Training
Digital Literacy means basic computer skills. In an effort to improve the digital literacy of citizens of New Brunswick, WVALA is offering basic digital literacy training to adults over the age of
18. This is being offered through a mobile service - we come to you. A digital literacy facilitator will bring up-to-date laptop computers to a public facility (i.e. local library, etc) and hold
small classes (up to 8 learners). Our windows computers have both the Windows 10 and Windows 11 Operating system. Our classes are usually 3 hours a week for 10 weeks, however this can change
depending on needs.
Included in the curriculum are the following modules:
Computer Basics
Computing is an important part of everyday life in the twenty-first century. From music and photos to banking and communicating, computers have changed the way we work and live. This course
introduces the fundamentals of computing, explains the components of a computer, explores operating system basics, and shows how to use a mouse and a keyboard.
The Internet and the World Wide Web
The Internet can connect the learner to people, information, and resources around the world. This course shows how to connect to the Internet, browse Web pages, navigate Web sites, use search
engines, and how a search engine works. The course also provides guidelines for determining whether the resources you find are reliable.
With the Internet, communication has dramatically changed. This course explains the benefits of an email account and demonstrates how to use an Internet email account.
Productivity Programs
There are hundreds of software applications available today. This course explores the most common productivity software applications used in business, in education, and at home. The course teaches
how to select the right software for various projects. The user will become familiar with the fundamentals of word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software.
Computer Security and Privacy
It's easy to use a computer safely and responsibly if you know how. This course will help improve confidence in computing by explaining the risks and threats to computer security and privacy so users
can understand and prevent them. The course also explains ethical and legal concerns with information exchange
Digital Lifestyles
From cell phones to MP3 players to digital cameras, computers are changing our everyday lives. This course introduces new digital technologies, including digital devices such as tablets and cell
phones, digital audio and video. It explores how these and other computing technologies are creating new career opportunities and shaping the world we live in.